About Us

We’re sure that you have noticed that there are so many dark feminine, manipulation and seduction accounts that you’re seeing online. So why should you trust us over the other accounts? 

Our journey began in 2022 after our original Miss Dark Femme completed her research and shared the secrets of seduction, manipulation and self-growth. We began posting on social media in April of 2022 and we launched our website with our bestselling e-book, The Guide to Becoming a Dark Femme, by June of 2022. At this point, dark feminine content wasn’t as popular as it is now and we were one of the first dark feminine accounts on TikTok. 

After delving into the world of seduction and manipulation, Miss Dark Femme began to look into the world of spiritual healing and manifestation. Our original mission was only to teach women how to take back their power from men, but as we have grown as a business, our mission has extended into creating powerful women that can get everything they know they deserve. 

Our products are authentic and contain information that we have made concise to make your life easier. We get straight to the point and teach you how to become the best version of yourself with practices that you can easily use in your everyday life. The other accounts have learned from us, so we’re sure that you can learn from us too. Join the family, learn the secrets and enter your newest era of feminine healing.

We care about our clients and we enjoy watching people learn with us and grow with us as our business expands. We have taken extra care to make our website safe and give you instant access to your products after purchasing. Be wary of similar dark feminine accounts as they can be fraudulent. 

Thank you for taking the time to get to know more about us and our mission. All the best with whichever journey you choose to take part in. 

Let’s keep in touch: 

Instagram: @darkfemininefantasy

TikTok: @darkfemininefantasy

E-mail: @darkfemininefantasy@gmail.com